Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hello, Guitarists, Rock-Jazz-Blues-Classical, fans!

I stared this blog, because someone named "Martini" on the Yes Shows blog was talking about a Yes Best-of Guitar Songbook by Doug Freuler, and he even gave the place to GET the tabs, (sharebee.com/15f5933b), BUT NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I TRIED, I couldn't get to that file, that everyone was thanking him for!
So I started this blog, to say to all guitarists, trying to learn new licks, riffs and songs, I have a ROOMFUL of  tabs, mostly Classic Rock, but some Blues, Standards, classic songs from many decades, fingerstyle, classical, and i'm willing to trade, for some classic Spanish-mexican spaghetti-western stuff, or similar, or some Yes classic songs,  or great blues riffs, runs, etc, etc.

This site is for ALL of us, to communicate, share, and learn from each other!  PLEASE- Only accurate, or very close to accurate tabs, please.